Jamaludin Bin Alias :: A113337 :: ( Déjà vu )
English Foundation class in 3rd semester. At this class I have learned more topic and I think I get an improvement in myself about English language.
Before this in my mind, I fell the English one of the difficult thing for me. But now whatever all I thanked about this is false. I must be opening my mind and changing my self to conquer English language for develops for my future.
April 2006, I have received two offers from
So my future plan, I must be to go to the other country, maybe Australia, United Kingdom or other commonwealths country for continued my ambition for study in architecture on to higher level.
Madam Sitha is my lecturer in my English foundation class. I liked her because she used a simple method to teach me, as example she write and explained how, when and for what to using certain word and when I want to apply the words to the sentence.
Now, internet is everything. What we want? All things in the Internet. Agree with me?. In the internet, we can make to order something, pay the bill, reading an article, find something new, learn something and others. At this night, I will do my second assignment with using internet. My second assignment is about one website, www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish. Firstly,I try so search www.bbc.co.uk, after that I search Prof. David Crystal, all about Prof. David Cristal is complete finding. Then I choose one topic is about ‘Text’. After that, I try to download the audio to listen the pro. crystal recording. I listen it many times and try to understand what the information inside the tape. I try to listen it carefully. I repeat, repeat and repeat again to listen what Prof. David Crystal said. After a few minutes I heard this tape, I knew this tape about text. At the www.bbc.co.uk website, I can learning some new vocabulary and get some information.
Hello to all of my friends and Pn Sitha, in this BBC website, I can learning some new vocabulary and get some information. There are so many words in David Crystal website...
Can you imagine, he can create his own words creatively. As an example, "hole-in-the- wall" which means automatic cash dispenser..(withdraw money from the ATM machine)..
We can use this new phrase for our daily talk and essay writing.
We also can learn so many new words and phrases from his website.. In my opinion, this website is very useful for students like us. After using this website,I allredy learned some pronunciation. The way Professor David Crystal pronounces is very good. I must try to improve my pronunciation skill. Lastly, I hope we can always join this website http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ to archive our English learning...
Hi everyone….I want to share with you all about my experience in Kem Syed Sirajuddin, Gemas, Negeri Sembilan. Two last weeks ago, I went for a training shoot at Kem Gemas. My friends (junior Rotu UKM) and I went to that kem on 19th May 2007 until 23rd May 2007. On 20th May 2007, we assembled at a court to go to Asahan (t training with General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), Light Machine Gun (LMG) and Launcher. Huhu…that sounds is so loud. When we shoot, we must use ear plug for protect our ears.
On 21st May 2007, we drawer the M16 first before we go to Gallery (
On 22nd May 2007, we went to Asahan again show demonstrated on Low C 90,Mortar and Clearmomile (jerangkap samar). Huhu… that equipments were so hard to prepare. We must be careful when used that gun. The sounds were louder than GPMG and LMG. We felt the shacking of the gun when the bullet fell on the land. We can saw the land destroyed. I imagined that situations as in war. Huhu….it was frightened me.
On 23rd May 2007, we prepared smartly to go to 21 Artillery (21 RAD). We showed so many types of equipments and cannon. Wow, it’s so wonderful! We learns how to use it and I attracted with that cannon. In the evening, we went back to UKM.
I was so happy there, where I gained a lot of experienced. I learnt about military and make me became an independence person and be co-operative in team. That experienced made me felt in love in military environment. Maybe in the future, I can create a nuclear bomb to our country to fight against the enemy.Hehe…. but, of course I don’t want any war happen in this country.
Say peace to the world…………….
For your information, to do this assignment I have borrowed a speaker to play the sound of Professor David Crystal. After I'm listened to Prof. David Crystal's recording, not once but so many times, and finally I understand his recording. The title I choose is “make my day”. It was a very simple word, but it caught my attention. It means that “do something that really please me”. Professor David Crystal uses hunters to explain this word. He said before the hunters start their operation hunting, they use to say “go ahead and make my day”, then they start hunt and they got victory. That’s word can be a motivation for they. What I got not only the meaning of the word, but I also learn a new vocabulary. After I listened, even I not really hear it clearly, but at least I learned some pronunciation. The way Professor David Crystal pronounces is very good. Man, I must improve my listening skill or else I can not heat what he says. In my opinion, this website is very useful, because it can help us to improve our English, only depend on us want to do it or not. I glad I found this website, and I will full use it.