Hello for my lovely teacher Madam Sitha and all of my friend. Glad to see for our second assignment which want us to listen to Prof David in learning English website. Fuhh… I can breath easy now because after for many times I’ve tried to search this website because the server always down every time I want to log on the website, finally I can heard what Prof David said and from what he said I can learn so many new things. His language is not really hard to make me understand of what he said.
From this website I’ve choose about Wicked. Wicked it means 'wonderful', 'great', 'cool', 'splendid'. It came into English from United States' black slang in the 1980s or maybe earlier. Certainly it arrived in Britain in the late 1980s.
It was part of a trend which goes back decades to use bad words to mean good concepts, or the other way round. And always there's been this use of the word 'naughty' to mean 'nice'. So it's part of a general trend.
'Wicked!' is a reaction - that's how youngsters use it. And youngsters, of course, knowing that grown ups are now using it as well, have decided to use other bad words in the same sort of way.
Wicked is still around. It's meant, of course, that the traditional sense of wicked is now being squeezed out, much as 'gay' made it difficult to use the traditional sense of 'merry' or 'cheerful' when it started to be used in reference to homosexuals. So with wicked, tone of voice is the only way to make the distinction between the old meaning and the new meaning, and even that's ambiguous sometimes. And notice that the word is extending its use. The other day, for the first time, Prof David told that he heard somebody said, 'wicked cool'. That is meaning 'very cool'.
From this website I was learn a few new words for my vocabulary. Below are the new words that I learn:

i) Wicked
ii) Splendid
iii) Ambiguous
iv) Youngsters
{^_^} cikNorLidaALi_A115790
nice picture...i like it...
Dear norlida,
Good on you that you did not give up when the server was down- this is called perseverance!! Glad that you enjoyed the website and i enjoyed the history and the new use of the word wicked!!
Pn sitha
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