Tuesday, June 5, 2007

assignment 2

I’ve already log on to website
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ and I found there had a lot of sections. I just pick one of them and I tried to describe it. I clicked on The Stephen Keeler Column and there had many opinion and suggestion from Stephen and comment from his friends around world.

At The Stephen Keeler Column was quite interesting, I think. I had read about “Confession Of a Questionnaire” and Stephen gave his opinion about questionnaire and he also have to confess that he don’t always fill them truthfully. In my ways, I also never gave the truth 100 percent to questionnaire and I think, I’m not an important person to tell them. It is just for a statistic and helps the questionnaire for their research only.

In Stephen’s experiences, there’s a series of unfinished sentences which the subject of the questionnaire has to complete, like a mini interview. Every week they ask the same question of a different celebrity questionnaire. Stephen thinks it’s so meaningless and unimportant. I agreed with Stephen when he said, it’s very easy to manipulate in order to present the image of yourself you want to present to the world. It’s just can manipulate us something that we never thinking and we realized that it’s such not important to us and maybe we never want it.

In my experience, I had a mini interview with questionnaire about “How much I used SONY equipment in my house”. It’s really bothered me because they were came to my house early morning and ask me for those such questions. As I said before, I never told the truth 100% to them because I can’t remember how much SONY equipment I have and I think they also don’t really care what I think.

Are you agree which, books really do change people’s lives? i was agreed with Stephen that books have always accompanied my life but I’m not sure they ever directly changed it. In my opinion, books can give more opinions, motivates, knowledge, and ideas to improve our live but it never changed our lives. Do you agree with me?

I have new opinion about questionnaire from The Stephen Keller Column. Stephen always gave his opinion about something such as is questionnaire. Stephen also shares his stories and opinion to his friend from the other country. You also can change opinion with him.

I have got a lot of new vocabulary in The Stephen Keeler Column. For example:

1. Congenital - A condition you are born with (not inherited)

2. Shallow - Opposite of deep : not very intellectually challenging.

3. Airhead - Not very intelligent person.

4. D-I-Y - This abbreviation is stand for ‘ Do It Yourself’- the activity of making
Or repairing things yourself, especially in your home.

5. Refit - Equip or furnish again


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