Hello guys, its me basri...
actually, i haven't idea to write in this blog...
erm... i think i want to share to you all about what that i have read last week in magazine..
its about the general knowledge that i think most of people don't know about it. That why this coloumn named as "you must know"..
below i list few of the information that i got..
* TO reach to the top of Effiel tower, you must climb 1792 upstairs..
* HAMBURGER was created by Louis Lassen in 1900. He putted a pieces of beef between bread.
* EVERY DAY humans lost between 10 till 100000 brain cell.
* The ancient of egyptian will shaved their eyebrow when their cat was dead..
* A cup of coffee contain 100-150miligrams cafien,a cup of coco contain 10miligram of caffien and 5 miligrams in a cup of chocolate milk.
* RATIO 1:2 billion of humans can live untill 116 years
* IN UNITED STATES, the murder case occur every 23 minutes that involved 22 852 case per year.
posted by BASRI BIN BACO (A113886)
Suddenly i feel hungry.....zaidi
Ya, nice, tasty pics. I like all the interesting facts you gave.
Pn sitha
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