Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Assignment 2(CA BooN)

At the BBC website, I can learning some new vocabulary and get some information. At this website, I read about ‘working abroad’. What is ‘working abroad’? Working abroad is for those of you who've always wanted to get out of your chairs and go and do something else instead (or you go to a foreign country to job).
Working abroad can help people improve themselves and got some personal experience at foreign country. Working abroad also gives a chance for people who want to work in a multicultural environment.
The most important thing for remember people is people want to understanding these cultural differences and in how to approach.

First impressions:The original feeling or thoughts that you have about something.

Foreign culture:A culture that is different to your own.

Verbal communication:All forms of speaking and writing.

Intonation pattern:The regular rise and fall of the voice when speaking.

Mispronounce:Say something incorrectly.

Dress down Friday:If a company has a 'dress down Friday' then on one day (usually a Friday) it relaxes the rules on what people can wear to work on that day.

Ghetto:An area of a town or city usually lived in by one particular national or social group - often associated with poor living conditions.

Multi-ethnic:Of many different races, national or tribal groups.

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